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Naze 32 acro flight controller
The Acro Naze32 is one of the best flight controllers available for Multi-rotors.
this board is Acro version and not-including the Magnetometer and barometer
This FC features an STM32 32-bit processor and comes in an acro and version
and full version. The Naze 32 can be used in many different configurations
(up to an octocopter). It also does FrSky Telemetry, MultiWii serial protocol,
and can control a camera gimbal control.
MCU: ST Microelectronics STM32F103 72-MHz ARM Cortex-M3
Motion / Position Sensor: InvenSense MPU6050 6-DOF MEMS sensor
(3-axis gyro and 3-axis Accelerometer)
Compass: none
Altitude Sensor: none
Dimensions: 36mm x 36mm
Hole Spacing: 30.5mm x 30.5mm
Weight (optional): 6 grams
Weight (with pin headers): 8grams